picture, Boat searching in the fog


Our Plea

We work hard to save money and spend it wisely. When we can, we perform our own maintenance.
Local businesses have and do support us with discounts and donations because they understand the value
of the service that we provide.
To keep expenses down, we buy or donate things ourselves.
Did you know that we do not charge for what we do?
Most people don't.

Most people don't know that we do not get paid for what we do? (We are 100% volunteer.)

So how about helping us out by donating now?

We accept Paypal for quick and easy donations online. Or, if you would like, mail us a check. 100% of your donation is tax deductible and will go to search and rescue. Because we are ALL volunteers 0% will go to pay anyone. Your donation is valuable to our continued work and will be used for training, fuel, food, batteries, lights, personal flotation devices (PFD’s), tires, water, equipment repairs, etc…

Mailing Address:

North Baldwin Sheriffs Search And Rescue
POB 295
Bay Minette, AL. 36507